By Marissa Valentine
Warrensville Hts City School District, Communications Coordinator

Warrensville Hts second grader R.J. Woodford’s story as an author isn’t by happenstance. His secure relationship with his grandmother whom he refers to as Nana, and his quest for knowledge were the perfect combination for a children’s book to be created about his experiences. R.J.’s story begins in kindergarten.

His Nana is Shayla L. Davis, former State Representative for the 11th District and president and CEO of the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus Foundation.

Davis’ work at the Ohio Statehouse was the catalyst for his interest in his local government and how it works. When Rep. Davis brought R.J. and her great niece to the Statehouse on a ‘bring your child to work’ day, it was there that she formulated the idea to help him write about his experience through a children’s book titled “R.J.’s Big Adventure at the Statehouse With Nana”, to share with his peers.

“I noticed that they were the only Black children in the room. It made me think about the amount of lost opportunity and barriers that Black children have just from simple lack of access,” said Davis. “I would take him to the Statehouse often, and then we would talk about the experience.”

Davis realized that R.J. likes to talk about politics and relates politics to her work. “We would always have these very interesting conversations,” said Davis. They decided to write a book from his perspective to educate Black people on the voting process, civics, and government in general. “So I said, ‘RJ, do you want to write a book?’ and he said, ‘Yeah, sure’.”

After several visits to the Statehouse, Davis and R.J. began the long process of authoring a book, which was not a quick or stress-free endeavor.

Davis noted that they needed to find an illustrator from her local community because it was important for her to highlight the talent of Black artists. “I really learned a lot. I think R.J. giving me the okay that we could do this together and realizing that it could become a part of our legacy, his legacy for the future,” said Davis.

When speaking to R.J. he mentioned that his grandmother supported him through the process and seeing the finished illustrations was his favorite part, even though it took a long time.

The book was completed in a year and a half. Rep. Davis says they intend to author more books about their close relationship and adventures together as a series.

The idea for their tentative next book is titled, RJ’s Big Adventure to the News Studio With Nana.

Davis is a political commentator for WKYC Channel 3 and has taken R.J. to the news studio. According to Davis, these books are representations, assuring Black children see themselves represented in all spaces.

R.J. is a student at Warrensville Heights Elementary where he is a shining star among many bright scholars. Principal Takiba Thompson, who has been serving Warrensville Heights City Schools for eight years, takes pride in students’ achievements. R.J. was recognized for his achievement by Warrensville Heights Superintendent Donald J. Jolly Jr. during a school board meeting.

Having a published young author in Warrensville Heights Elementary is especially rewarding. “It is refreshing to see such a young scholar co-authoring a book centered around his experience. I’m excited to have him as a student who inspires other students to pursue their dreams,” said Thompson.

R.J. had a book signing at the Cuyahoga County Library Warrensville Branch in early August with more than 60 children in attendance. He also held a live reading. The book is available for purchase on Amazon via the link

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Marissa is a United States Navy Veteran with 11 years of journalism experience. She holds a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Abilene Christian University and a Bachelor's in Communications from...