Our Commitment To You

Throughout the time period leading to state and midterm elections in November, we’ll be covering issues and concerns around disenfranchised voters, people who are eligible to vote and choose not to. In the spirit of wanting to be political coverage you can trust, the Cleveland Observer makes the following commitment for our series of the stories, titled “None Of The Above”:

  • All research source will be verifiable by our readers. Stories in this series will included online link to sources. These source will be shown in the print editions where they are used in the articles as (“Title”, Author, Year Published)
  • We will not adhere to Both Sides-ism, but will instead cover all validated side to the topic we explore in this series, whether it’s two or five. We do not have an obligation to cover arguments that are not factually-based.
  • We will not be using sources from media outlets with reputations for bia or stroking division. Our sources will be all validated local reporting, specialty, non-profit,or academic sources.
  • No word games. We’ll do our best to avoid using unnecessary adjectives and adverbs that create a specific perspective of judgement instead of allowing you to create that for yourself. Neutral language and the explanation of facts will be standard for all of the stories in the “None Of The Above” series.
  • We invite our readers to hold us accountable for our commitment. Compliments and complaints can be directed to [email protected] or call 216.236.8081
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Ron Calhoun is the Founder and President of the Cleveland Observer and a retired IT professional with 15 years of experience. With a strong background in information technology, he is passionate about...