Come join us for an unforgettable evening of music at the Spelman Glee Club Concert! The talented singers from Spelman College will be performing live at the East Mount Zion Baptist Church. Get ready to be serenaded by beautiful harmonies and powerful voices. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience the magic of the Spelman Glee Club in person. Mark your calendars and bring your friends and family along for a night of musical delight!

Spelman College is a private, historically Black, women’s liberal arts college in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Spellman is highly regarded as one of the most prestigious Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and is part of the Black Ivy League. Since 1924, the Spelman Glee Club has traveled the globe and upheld choral excellence with a diverse repertoire spanning world cultures, commissioned works, sacred and secular literature, and music by African American composers.

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Ron Calhoun is the Founder and President of the Cleveland Observer and a retired IT professional with 15 years of experience. With a strong background in information technology, he is passionate about...

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