Editor’s note: The opinions expressed here are those of the author.

By Marissa Valentine

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” – Benjamin Franklin

Knowledge is Power

What is a banned or challenged book, and why should you care? If you enjoy movies, TV shows, reading, games, or music, the banning of books threatens the authorship and creativity behind the entertainment you love. Many beloved shows and movies, such as The Notebook, The Color Purple, Outlander, and The Help, were first books.

Reading books offers numerous benefits, from relieving stress and enhancing imagination to improving empathy, problem-solving, and communication skills. Research by the 95 Percent Group indicates reading can rewire neural pathways in our brains.

Yet, since 2020, the American Library Association (ALA) has seen a steady rise in books being challenged or banned. Such actions violate the First Amendment, censoring freedom of expression. Banned books are often targeted for offensive language, religious viewpoints, or sexual content, leading to their removal from bookstores or schools.

Censorship often stems from discomfort with an author’s ideas or perspectives. It perpetuates the status quo and suppresses diverse voices. Alarmingly, 44% of American adults do not read a book annually, and 45 million people are functionally illiterate, reading below a fifth-grade level, according to the National Literacy Institute. How can we justify challenging books that enhance our understanding of different cultures and experiences when so many already lack access to knowledge?

A History of Censorship

Book bans in the U.S. trace back to Puritanical roots. In 1637, the Puritan government banned Thomas Morton’s New English Canaan, citing its criticism of their power structure, which ultimately led to Morton’s exile.

Censorship has historically served those in power while oppressing marginalized groups. During slavery, enslaved people were prohibited from reading the Bible to prevent them from gaining inspiration for liberation. Today, the ALA’s banned book lists often feature works by LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC authors, reflecting ongoing efforts to silence diverse voices.

“Every person has a right to read and to choose what they want to read,” said Samantha Denbow, an ALA member. “It’s a parent’s responsibility to decide what their child reads, but not their right to dictate what’s appropriate for someone else’s child.”

Protecting the Freedom to Read

“I believe censorship is the enemy of freedom,” said Ava DuVernay, honorary chair of 2024 Banned Books Week. “By banning books, we deny ourselves the opportunity to learn from the past and envision a braver future.”

In 2023, 4,240 unique book titles were targeted for censorship, a 65% increase from 2022, according to the ALA. Nearly half of these books highlighted LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC experiences. Public libraries faced a 92% rise in challenges to titles, with more than 100 books contested across 17 states, including Ohio.

Will K-12 Education Be Affected?

Amid conversations about the state of education, Project 2025, a presidential transition plan, has drawn attention for its stance against teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT). While CRT has not been widely adopted in K-12 schools, its discussion has been used to justify the suppression of books addressing systemic racism.

CRT, defined by Oxford Dictionary as “a set of ideas holding that racial bias is inherent in many parts of Western society,” challenges the ideals of colorblindness and equality under the law. Instead of addressing real issues, political rhetoric about CRT may distract from efforts to censor diverse histories and stories.

The Freedom to Read

Literary works, including autobiographies, history books, and historical fiction, teach us to avoid repeating past atrocities while celebrating cultural differences. The ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom maintains a list of challenged books to ensure their preservation.

Circulating books about the lived experiences of Black Americans and other marginalized groups is vital. These stories highlight contributions to medicine, technology, and civil rights while shaping the world we see today.

Reading banned books is a personal journey into histories untaught in schools. These works offer perspectives that expand our understanding and preserve the freedom to think, learn, and grow as a society.

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Marissa is a United States Navy Veteran with 11 years of journalism experience. She holds a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Abilene Christian University and a Bachelor's in Communications from...