An Editorial by Donna Watson

Stress might feel like a constant companion, but remember you’re not alone in this journey. There are effective ways to overcome it and create a smoother path in life.

Cracking the Stress Code
Imagine being fully immersed in the present moment, whether reading a book, lost in your thoughts, or just being. It’s a form of mindfulness—the art of staying connected to the now. Conversely, consider meditation a time to let your mind rest and rejuvenate, like a refreshing break for your thoughts. Participating in physical activities, like exercising or enjoying a serene walk, releases God-given endorphins that combat stress and infuse positivity into your being.

Tapping into God’s Support
When stress knocks on your door, remember that you have a source of support more excellent than any human relationship. Share your burdens with God through prayer and seek guidance from His Word. Drawing inspiration from Proverbs 3:5-6, we find direction to place our trust in the Lord and avoid relying solely on our understanding. As friends and family offer advice, God’s wisdom provides insight and peace during turmoil. And when you feel alone, remember that you’re part of a community that can uplift and stand with you.

Crafting a Calm Spirit
Here’s the divine plan—incorporate these principles into your daily life to maintain a sense of peace. By practicing mindfulness, meditation, and staying active, you honor the body God has blessed you with. In Psalm 46:10, God invites you to “be still and know that I am God.” The icing is that God’s love and grace are abundant, and so may be the support of your community. So, let’s rewrite the stress story, lean on God’s strength, and create a life filled with peace that surpasses all understanding.

Donna Walton is a passionate advocate of faith and positive living. To explore more uplifting insights and discover motivating gospel music, visit

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