By Mark Silverberg

Each Saturday from 12-4 p.m. at the historic Cozad Bates House, volunteers from Restore Cleveland Hope guide visitors through the colorful and inspiring local history of the Underground Railroad. This history was mostly lost because of the secrecy needed to protect the freedom seekers and those who took the risk to help them. Restore Cleveland Hope continues to research and reclaim the stories of the heroism and bravery of the participants in the Underground Railroad as they made their way to HOPE—the code name for Cleveland.

On Saturday, Nov. 19th, Linda Harris and David Cole from the Harriet Tubman Museum and Education Center in Cambridge, Maryland performed at Cozad Bates, playing the banjo and singing songs related to the Underground Railroad. In Maryland, Linda Harris leads tours following Harriet Tubman’s known routes when she led freedom seekers to safety.

The Cozad Bates House is located in University Circle at 11508 Mayfield Rd. For more information please email or visit their website at


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