By Izzy Aparicio

Cleveland’s vibrant art scene is poised for a significant boost with the launch of the Transformative Arts Fund (TAF) a new initiative spearheaded by Mayor Justin Bibb. With nearly $3 million in grants available to Cleveland artists across various disciplines including film, culinary arts, fashion, painting, and more, this initiative marks a pivotal moment for the city’s cultural landscape.

The funding, allocated from the American Rescue Plan Act funds designated in October 2022 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, aims to invigorate public arts projects and foster meaningful dialogue within the

The City of Cleveland envisions the TAF as a catalyst for funding innovative public arts initiatives that spark conversation and leave a lasting impact on the city’s identity. The TAF seeks projects that not only showcase artistic excellence, but also demonstrate a clear commitment to social engagement. Whether it’s a mural addressing mental health, a thought-provoking film exploring local history, or a culinary installation promoting cross-cultural understanding, the potential for creative expression is boundless.

Interested artists had until March 30 at 11:59 p.m. to submit their applications with notifications slated for April. Applicants must have a local institution willing to host their project and provide proof of residence in Cleveland.

Depending on the scope of th project, six to 12 participants will be selected with grants ranging from $250,000 to $500,000.

The TAF represents an exciting opportunity for artists and the community alike, as it injects much-needed funding into public art projects and promises to enrich Cleveland’s cultural tapestry for years to come.



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I am an intern for the Cleveland Observer. I am a current Film and Media Arts student at Cleveland State University. I love to read and watch movies in my free time.