Categories: Health

The Impact of Gratitude and Positive Thinking

By Presious Mills

As we approach the new year, it’s natural to reflect on how things have been unfolding. That familiar sentiment of looking back, perhaps accompanied by a wish that certain things had been approached differently or that those long-postponed goals should have been addressed.

Let’s talk about those New Year’s resolutions. We’ve all made them, right? Promises to get healthier, find a better job, or work on our well-being. But if we’re honest, most of those resolutions fizzle out faster than morning coffee gets cold. They end up feeling more like wishful thinking than actual plans.

What if there was a way to make a real difference in how one’s life is lived? According to Brain Balance Centers’ “Gratitude And The Brain: What Is Happening?,” thinking positively and showing gratitude every day can actually work wonders. Researchers have found that practicing gratitude can do some amazing things to the brain and the way one experiences life. Get this – the brain has this special area called the limbic system that controls how you feel and act. When you make a habit of being thankful, it’s like a brain workout that boosts your creativity, helps you focus better, and even lets you pay attention for longer periods of time without getting sidetracked.

Ever noticed how when you keep saying negative things like “I’m always tired” or “I’ll never reach my goals,” you start to believe them? But, when you flip the script and make positive statements like “I’m confident” or “I’ll make some progress today,” your brain latches onto that positivity. It’s like a secret weapon that helps you become more confident and better equipped to reach your goals.

Now, let’s talk about this brain boss, the prefrontal cortex (PFC). It’s the control center that manages your emotions and behaviors. According to a Psychology Today article, “Happy Brain, Happy Life,” when the magic is working, you’re able to focus on goals and make better decisions.

Instead of just making those one-time resolutions, make gratitude and positive thinking a part of your everyday routine. As the Brain Balance Centers indicate, it’s not just about saying nice things; it’s about rewiring your brain to approach life’s challenges with a different mindset. Timeless wisdom from the Bible even instructs us to fix our thoughts on “whatever is true, admirable, and pure.” It says think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Think of it like giving your mind a little daily boost of encouragement. By practicing gratitude and keeping positive thoughts in the driver’s seat, you can make a real, lasting change in how you approach your goals and handle whatever life throws your way — in the new year, and beyond!

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Presious Mills

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